Coiste na Gaeilge
Tá Coiste na Gaeilge tofa ag daltaí CNT chun deiseanna agus gníomhartha a eagrú chun an Ghaeilge a chur chun cinn i mbéal phobal na scoile.
Ina theannta sin, tá Coiste na nDaltaí roinnte againn leis an máthairscoil, LCC, chun ceisteanna níos ginearálta ar leas dhaltaí uile an champais a phlé.
In addition to the work done by Coiste na Gaeilge, students from Coláiste na Tulchann are represented on the LCC's student council and have a voice in issues that concern all students on the campus.
Coiste na nDaltaí
Déanann Coiste na nDaltaí ionadaíocht ar na daltaí i LCC agus CNT agus soláthraíonn sé deis do dhaltaí a dtuairimí a thabhairt i ngnóthaí na scoile. Toghann a bpiaraí ionadaithe do Choiste na nDaltaí ag tús gach bliana agus casann siad le chéile lena n-ionadaí foirne uair sa tseachtain. Ó bunaíodh é d’oibrigh Coiste na nDaltaí i gcomhpháirtíocht le bainistíocht scoile, baill foirne agus tuismitheoirí i roinnt réimsí mar:
· Tuairimí na ndaltaí ar ábhair spéise agus imní ginearálta dóibh a léiriú;
· Tacú leis an mbainistíocht agus leis an bhfoireann i bhforbairt na scoile;
· Cumarsáid idir na daltaí, an bhainistíocht, an fhoireann agus tuismitheoirí a fheabhsú;
· Cairdeas agus meas a chur chun cinn i measc daltaí;
· Cur le forbairt pholasaithe na scoile;
Bhí ról lárnach ag Coiste na nDaltaí ag forbairt polasaithe agus bearta na scoile: éide scoile, athruithe ar amchlár na scoile, Cód Iompair Dhearfach na nDaltaí agus bhí baint aici le heagrú imeachtaí agus ceiliúradh speisialta sa Choláiste.
Tá Coiste na nDaltaí ag teacht chun cinn go leanúnach sa scoil agus leanfaidh sí ag imirt ról suntasach i bpolasaithe na scoile amach anseo.
Tá Córas Cinnirí láidir againn sa scoil freisin
The Student Council represents the student body in Luttrellstown and provides a platform for students to have their say in the affairs of the school. The Student Council representatives are elected by their peers at the beginning of each year and meet once a week with their staff representative. Since its inception the Student Council has worked in partnership with school management, staff and parents in a number of areas such as:
· representing the views of students on matters of general concern to them;
· supporting management and staff in the development of the school;
· enhancing communication between students, management, staff and parents;
· promoting friendship and respect among pupils;
· contributing to the development of school policy;
The Student Council has had a central role in implementing many important policy decisions in Luttrellstown such as: uniform choice and policy, changes to the school timetable, the Student Code of Positive Behaviour and has been involved in the organisation of special events and celebrations in the College.
The Student Council is continually evolving within the school and will continue to play a significant role in future school policies.
There is a strong team of Cinnirí, student mentors.