Coláiste na Tulchann Coláiste Pobail Bhaile Lotrail

One Good School – Jigsaw

Is tionscnamh cuimsitheach é ‘One Good School’ de chuid Jigsaw a thacaíonn le sláinte mheabhrach agus folláine daoine óga trí chomhfhreagracht as sláinte meabhrach a fhorbairt ar fud phobal na scoile ar fad.

Jigsaw’s ‘One Good School’ is a comprehensive initiative which supports the mental health and wellbeing of young people by developing a shared responsibility for mental health across the whole school community.

Tá ról ríthábhachtach ag scoileanna i gcur chun cinn agus tacú le sláinte mheabhrach agus folláine daoine óga agus gach duine laistigh de phobal na scoile. Is féidir le scoileanna timpeallachtaí sábháilte agus tacúla a sholáthar chun scileanna saoil, athléimneacht agus cóngas láidir a thógáil. Tá sé ríthábhachtach caidrimh shláintiúla a chothú i measc piaraí, foireann na scoile agus tuismitheoirí a chuirfidh le heispéireas foriomlán an duine óig ar scoil agus cuirfear ansin leis an bhforbairt shóisialta, mhothúchánach agus chognaíoch.

Schools play a vital role in promoting and supporting the mental health and wellbeing of young people and all those within the school community. Schools can provide safe and supportive environments for building life skills, resilience and a strong sense of connectedness. Fostering healthy relationships among peers, school staff and parents is critical to a young person’s overall experience of school and their social, emotional and cognitive development.

Soláthraíonn an tionscnamh seo raon leathan gníomhaíochtaí bunaithe ar fhianaise dóibh siúd go léir laistigh de phobal na scoile, lena n-áirítear foireann ceannaireachta scoile, múinteoirí, tuismitheoirí agus daltaí. Seachadfar an togra trí cheardlanna idirghníomhacha, uirlisí agus acmhainní ar líne, cláir oideachais piaraí agus go leor eile.

This initiative provides a broad range of evidence-informed activities for all those within the whole school community, including school leadership teams, teachers, parents and students. The initiative will be delivered through interactive workshops, online tools and resources, peer education programmes and more.

Tacaíonn cur i bhfeidhm togra ‘One Good School’ Jigsaw le scoileanna freastal ar ionchais ilchineálacha an phobail scoile uile i leith sláinte meabhrach agus folláine a bhfuil cur síos orthu i mbeartais náisiúnta. Is féidir leis an bpróiseas meastóireachta atá i gceist mar chuid den tionscnamh cur go húsáideach leis an bpróiseas Féinmheastóireachta Scoile (FMS). Tá sé seo thar a bheith luachmhar i bhfianaise na sprice atá leagtha síos ag an Roinn Oideachais agus Scileanna go mbeidh próiseas féin-mheasúnaithe leabaithe ag gach scoil chun an fholláine a chur chun cinn faoi 2023.

Implementation of Jigsaw's One Good School initiative supports schools in meeting the expectations of a multi-component and whole school approach to mental health and wellbeing which have been outlined in national policies. The evaluation process involved as part of the initiative can usefully contribute to the School Self-Evaluation process (SSE). This is particularly valuable in view of the target which has been set by the Department of Education and Skills that all schools will have 'an embedded self-evaluation wellbeing promotion process by 2023.'

Bhí an t-ádh ar LCC/CNT a bheith ar cheann de shé scoil i mBaile Átha Cliath 15 a roghnaíodh chun páirt a ghlacadh sa togra seo ag an gcéim phíolótach. Sular thosaíomar ar One Good School, rinneamar suirbhé ar roinnt daoine ónár spriocghrúpaí; Foireann Ceannaireachta Scoile, Foireann, Daltaí agus Tuismitheoirí. Ag baint úsáide as na torthaí agus i gcomhar le Jigsaw, chuireamar Plean Gníomhaíochta ar bun a d’oirfeadh do riachtanais ár scoile. An aidhm a bhí leis ná sé réimse a chríochnú i rith na bliana acadúla. Ag deireadh gach bliana acadúla déantar athbhreithniú ar an bPlean Gníomhaíochta, trí shuirbhéanna breise a dhéanamh. Leis na sonraí a bailíodh ó na suirbhéanna, is féidir linn pleanáil níos fearr don bhliain dar gcionn.

Luttrellstown Community College was fortunate to be one of six schools in Dublin 15 to be selected to partake in this initiative at the pilot stage. Before commencing One Good School, we surveyed a number of people from our target audiences; School Leadership Team, Staff, Students and Parents. Using the results along with consultation with Jigsaw, we came up with an Action Plan that best suited the needs of our school. The aim was to complete six areas throughout the academic year. At the end of each academic year the Action Plan is reviewed, by carrying out further surveys. With the data collected from the surveys, we can better plan for the following year.


Acmhainní agus Nascanna úsáídeacha/Useful links and resources:

Jigsaw BÁC 15:

Jigsaws One Good School:

Tacaíocht a rochtain/ Accessing Support:

Tacaíochtaí ar líne don Mheabhairshláinte/ Online Mental Health Supports:

Ag dul i ngleic le tionchar an Choróinvíris/Coping with the Impact of the Corona Virus

Aipeanna úsáideacha a mholann Jigsaw/Useful mental health apps recommended by Jigsaw:

Feabh 04
Breágscrúduithe Mock exams Bl 3&6
Feabh 04
Taithí Oibre IB/TY Work Experience
Feabh 17
Sos 1/2théarma Mid Term Break
Feabh 26
LC/LCA/LCVP Cur i láthair do thuismitheoirí agus daltaí na hIdirbhliana agus Bliain a 3
Bóthar Bhaile an Phóirtéaraigh, Annfield, Contae Bhaile Átha Cliath 15, D15 DY29.
01 822 8060

Uimhir Charthanais Chláraithe / Registered Charity Number: 20083526

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